Serina MAK
臨床催眠治療師 (ACHE)
Alive創辦人。於2005年開始從事催眠治療,於美國著名 Hypnotherapy Training Institute (HTI) 考獲臨床催眠治療師,師承名師 Randal Churchill 、Marleen Mulder 及已故殿堂級大師 Ormond McGill 與 Gil Boyne 。
於2010年到尼泊爾跟隨大師 Ram Shrestha 修習《西藏頌缽療法》,開始鑽研頌缽療法及演奏,更創出《頌缽催眠療法》(Hypno-Singing Bowl Therapy),並於2013年到美國教授此技巧。
◎ 註冊催眠治療師 (Certified Hypnotherapist) – 國際催眠學會 (2004)
◎ 註冊催眠治療師 (Certified Hypnotherapist) – HTI 及 美國催眠醫師考試局 (American Council of Hypnotist Examinars) (ACHE) (2005)
◎ 臨床催眠治療師 (Clinical Hypnotherapist) – HTI 及 ACHE (2007)
◎ 西藏頌缽治療師 – Kathmandu Centre of Healing (2010)
Serina 性格樂觀、細心聆聽。曾從事教育、創作及調查工作,富有接觸不同階層人士的經驗,善於溝通、理解、分析、應付壓力及處理情緒問題。
3/2014 – Revive 樂頌工作室,順德容桂
創立Revive樂頌工作室,提供催眠治療及西藏頌缽治療等服務- 12/2013 – Private Tibetan Singing Bowl Therapy Training, USA
小組教授《西藏頌缽療法》 - 10/2013 – Hypnotherapy Training Institute, USA
教授 《頌缽催眠療法》Master Class 及舉行《西藏頌缽演奏會》,成為首位在 HTI 任教的亞洲人 - 4/2012 – Punatsangchhu Cottages, Bhutan
From USA
Serina Mak is an excellent hypnotherapist who has effectively integrated her skilled use of Tibetan Singing Bowls into her successful practice. She demonstrated the value of these combined modalities as a guest instructor of our graduate Master Class, and was very impressive as an teacher. The depth of her knowledge was evident during her lectures in which she covered a lot of information efficiently, and she showed a range of uses of the bowls in fascinating demonstrations with four grateful volunteers.
Randal Churchill
Founder and Director, Hypnotherapy Training Institute
Past President, American Council of Hypnotist Examiners
Author, Regression Hypnotherapy and Become the Dream
From Bhutan
This is my first experience of the hypnosis therapy and it has been a wonderful one. Serina makes the environment conducive, very welcoming, open for the client to be able to achieve the objective.
She is well versed at what she does and it has been a very relaxing and soothing experience.
Her skill and knowledge about the hypnotherapy is vast and is well communicated to the guests.
I wish her the very best.
Tshering Palden
General Manager, Punatsangchhu Cottages, Bhutan